Employment First Massachusetts

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We Believe

  • Everyone can work.
  • Everyone has the right to earn a living wage in a job of their choosing, based on their unique talents, gifts, skills, and interests.
  • Employment is a way for people to achieve their personal dreams of success, respect, control, and choice.
  • Having a job can be an important part of one’s self-identity and value in society today.
  • Everyone should be paid at least minimum wage.
Massachusetts Interagency Transtion Teams

Interested in knowing more about interagency transition teams in Massachusetts? check out the Massachusetts Interagency Transition Teams database, compiled by the MPTE Cross-Systems Collaboration team

Life Course in Action

LifeCourse in Action

Resources to envision and chart a course toward a good life.


The Massachusetts Partnership for Transition to Employment (MPTE) is a five-year project to improve labor market participation for youth and young adults served by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS).

Learn more>>
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Current Trainings

June 4

Disability Benefits and Transition Age Youth

This training on public benefits for transition age youth is being offered free of charge in collaboration with the Institute for Community Inclusion with funding provided by the MA Department of Developmental Services.

Who should attend:

If you work with or support a young person with a disability who is transitioning from school to adult life, this training is for you. Young adults, family members, educators, adult service providers, and service coordinators are encouraged to attend.

This training provides information related to the significant benefit changes that young adults with disabilities need to understand as they approach adulthood including the mandatory Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Age 18 redetermination process and how changes to public health insurance can occur. There is a special emphasis on young adult related programs and work incentives such as Section 301-Continued Payment under Vocational Rehabilitation or Similar Program, Student Earned Income Exclusion, and PASS Plans, which can help fund education.


Cost: FREE.

Register now as space is limited!


Jueves 13 de Junio
1 PM - 3 PM

Prestaciones por Incapacidad y Jóvenes en dad de Transición

Brindaremos esta capacitación en inglés con interpretación simultánea en vivo en español y subtítulos en español.

En esta capacitación se brinda información relacionada con cambios significativos en las prestaciones que los adultos jóvenes con discapacidades necesitan comprender a medida que se aproximan a la adultez, por ejemplo, el proceso de redeterminación del Ingreso Suplementario del Seguro Social a los 18 años, y cómo pueden producirse cambios en el seguro de salud pública. Se hace hincapié especialmente en los programas relacionados con los adultos jóvenes y los incentivos laborales, como el pago continuo en un programa de rehabilitación profesional o similar según el artículo 301, la exclusión de los ingresos percibidos de los estudiantes, y los planes PASS (planes para lograr la autosuficiencia), que pueden ayudar a financiar la educación.


Foundations of Community Employment

This course is a great starting point for new staff to gain a solid foundation for their work in the field and for current staff to build on the skills and knowledge they already have. Staff will get an overview of the past and present community employment, understand the social, political, and economic changes leading to the expansion of opportunities for individuals with disabilities and learn how to collaborate with team stakeholders

Please contact Lara Enein at lara.enein@umb.edu with any questions.


Cost: FREE